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First Aid


Like the military, we still enjoy using acronyms.  Here is another one for you to remember if you come upon an accident scene: P.A.C.T

  •  Prevent Further Injury
  •  Assess the Situation
  •  Call 911
  •  Treat the Injured with Life Sustaining Care

Do you know the Bee Gee's song 'Stayin' Alive'?  The beat of that song is what you should have in mind when performing CPR.


Did you know that there is more than one form of adult CPR? There is a newer version called Hand-Only CPR and then there is the conventional CPR using rescue breathing and chest compressions. 


MYTH: Some people think CPR with breaths is no longer necessary because Hands-Only CPR has been shown to be as effective as conventional CPR for cardiac arrest at home, at work or in public.

FACT: CPR with breaths is still necessary for certain situations so it is a good idea to know how to do both.


The American Heart Association recommends using CONVENTIONAL CPR for:

  • Infants and Children
  • Victims of Drug Overdose or Drowning
  • Those who have collapsed due to Breathing Problems
  • and those with Prolonged Cardiac Arrest

Besides CPR, it is a good idea to carry a first aid kit when riding.  

Recommended Links

Nothing can replace actual hands-on learning.  This is the preferred method of instruction recommended for you to receive.  Like other topics, there are too many resources on the internet to choose from when searching for performing critical life saving first aid.  You should explore other topics such as treating wounds, burns, etc.  Below are a few recommendations:


What to do after a motorcycle crash

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